Black Skies are Always Dark

History is weird. It is funny how it can be kind and unkind at the same time. For any progress achieved, there will be damage. With any kind of progress, there will be damage. For every confusion, there are tears of joy as well as morbid tears. All of this combined reveals to us the vacuous world.
Fasten your seatbelts, for we are going to beleaguer life. The rules are pretty simple, you won't be allowed to egress this journey or waylay any member. But first, why do we need to go on this journey? Is it because we negate the truth? Is it merely because we are cowards running away from life, the world, the harsh reality? Or is it because you are a narcissist?
Let me put it in a succinct way, the world is battling between continuous growth and ruthless destruction.
We are living in a Nation. A Nation where climate change is taking a toll on people’s lives, where income distribution is highly skewed, where the government is parsimonious towards research, overflowing drains gratis, lack of safety and security.
People have changed. They have become more self-centered and blame the world for it. Every trifling change in every person counts. Even if one person changes their self-centric attitude, it matters.
Similar to the concrete jungles, proponents of smelt are being pervasive.
You might be in discord with my statements but what all of us have to understand right now, right here is that we are destroying mankind. We are the ones responsible for our doom. 
Let's just ask ourselves some uncomfortable questions.
What is the problem with matriarchy?
Where are the days of love and of happiness? Where are the days when we used to laugh with our eyes and our heart and not through our cold, calculating ways? Where are the days when we used to go out in the afternoon sun, to play and appease ourselves?  
We have mastered the finesse of ferreting about our mundane lives when we have ourselves created this concrete world of greys where we should circumscribe it? 
We are increasing, lengthening our own void.
Long gone are the days, of love, happiness and analog for they make for the cold, calculating, digital, cyber-future.
We need itinerant speakers to motivate the return of mankind. We need positivity and belongingness to be pervasive, once again.
You live in a world where the real news is suppressed. How does it make a difference anyway? That you have been taken to the scaffold or whether it is Ethiopia or Afghanistan, cheap life everywhere. If things go on like this, doomsday is inevitable.
To recapitulate is to waste time. Man is learned enough to revisit their mistakes and act accordingly. 
We should rather consecrate our lives to the betterment of mankind.
In this generation where we laugh through our cold calculating ways,
We suffer in our sufferings and then fade away.
All that remains is silence.
